What Makes A Good Story & Book Go Viral?

By: AlexHales


One of the most commonly asked questions writers usually get to hear is how to write a book that goes viral in no time. You just need to start with a mind-boggling idea, give it a plot, write the story, and make it worth reading by revising until it’s the best it can be. But that’s just not it. There are many things to make a book famous. 

In this guide, we’ll take you through the process of writing a book from start to finish, step by step. We’ve compiled some best tips driven by famous authors. Making your book viral depends upon the storyline. No writer would want to write a story that doesn’t connect with his potential reader, right? But that’s not the end. There are still several things you need to figure out. The storyline is not the only factor that makes a book famous. Following are a few steps you must go through to own a well-crafted masterpiece that will entice your readers. The tips will help you write a book seamlessly. So without any further ado, let’s get started.

Find Your Idea

Writing a book starts with brainstorming. Without a fully-fledged idea, one cannot write a book. There are some wholesome ways to find creative ideas for readers. You can look at your life for inspiration, read books in your genre to see what’s already been done or brainstorm with a friend or writing partner. 

Flesh Out Your Plot

Now that you have an idea, it’s time to start fleshing out your plot. One of the best ways to begin creating a story is to keep your storyline in mind. Your outline doesn’t have to be anything fancy. It can be as simple as a list of bullet points. It is essential to get your ideas down on paper to start turning them into a book.

Write Your First Draft

Now that you have a plot, it’s time to start writing your first draft. One of the best ways to prepare a draft is to start writing. Don’t worry about making it perfect; just get your ideas on paper.

Writing a draft first is crucial, as it gives you leverage to revise your book. The important thing here is not to get bothered by minor details. If you get stuck, take a break or try writing in a different location. Sometimes all you need is to sit back and relax. It would jumpstart your creativity. 

Edit and Revise

Once your draft is ready, it’s time to start proofreading and editing it. This is where you need to do the essential things. Start with reading from start to end. Make sure the content is flawless, and there are no changes required. 

Feedback from beta readers, professional editors, or ghostwriting services providers is also a good idea. Such professionals offer great help and can identify areas where your book needs improvement. You can also ask for suggestions.

Publish Your Book

Publishing a book is no more a daunting task. If you’re self-publishing, there are certain things you need to go through first.

You can hire an agent and publish your book if that’s what you prefer. This can be a long and challenging process, but it’s worth it if you want to see your book on shelves.

And that’s it! These are the five steps to writing a book from start to finish. Just remember to enjoy writing. The more you want, the more creativity you can put onto paper. 

Have you recently published a book and are now hoping to make it famous? Well, there are a few things you can do to help increase its chances of becoming a bestseller. 

Making a book go famous is a bit challenging now. There is a lot of competition. So you must ensure you write a book that not only entices your readers but also connects with them. 

learn more: experiencerole.com

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