What is Social Media Marketing Tactics?

By: AlexHales

What Is Social Media Marketing Tactics? And How Can You Use It To Grow Your Business? Social media marketing has grown exponentially over the last few years and business owners are now looking to utilize social media in order to market their brand, products, and services. Marketing through social media can be intimidating if you’re not sure where to start. This article explains what Social Media Marketing Services tactics are, why you should use them, and how you can utilize these tactics to grow your business.

How to Begin

First and foremost, before even thinking about your tactics on social media, it’s important to know your social platforms. Most of us use several different ones, so which ones do you want to focus on? Once you’ve decided what platforms are most important for your business/brand/etc., take some time to really get a feel for how they work and how people use them.

While it’s never too late to start using new networks or stop using old ones, spending some upfront time getting familiar with them can pay off in spades down the road when you come up with relevant tactics that work well with each platform. The last thing anyone wants is an underutilized tactic that doesn’t fit its medium.

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1.1 Keep Up with the Latest Trends

Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter have all changed significantly in recent years. For example, Facebook began favoring shared content from family and friends over brands in 2013. If you want to stay relevant and attract new followers, keep up with these changes by checking out blogs such as AllFacebook’s Inside Facebook or Mashable’s News Center. You should also check out social media news sites like PR Newswire for breaking updates on how social media marketing tactics may be changing soon.

1.2 Re-Engage Old Followers

It’s easy to get wrapped up in building new relationships and forget about your existing followers. Don’t let your most loyal followers get lost in the shuffle. Send targeted, personal messages out to select groups of individuals that you know have engaged with your content before. Show them how much you value their loyalty and engagement with a coupon code or special promotional offer.

Even if they don’t end up buying from you right away, they may remember you for future purchases. Also consider sending individual thank-you notes to those who comment on your posts—they are an excellent way to show potential customers that you appreciate their time and input. These simple acts will go a long way toward establishing yourself as an expert in your field.

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1.3 Cross Promote on Other Networks

Though you don’t want to be annoying, there’s nothing wrong with promoting your content on other platforms. If you have a Facebook Page, then share your new LinkedIn post on it; if you have an Instagram account, tweet a photo from it with a link to your piece; and so on. These sorts of cross-promotions can help spread your work and get even more eyes on it!

Facebook has over 2 billion users which makes it one of most popular social media networks out there. It is used by marketers for its wide reach and for connecting with their customers through fan pages, groups or business pages. With such a large user base, one would think that any marketing tactic that works well on Facebook will also yield results on Twitter or Instagram as well. However, things are not always as they seem and social media marketing tactics do not always translate across different social media networks.

1.4 Engage in Online Discussions

As you build your online presence, it’s important to get involved in conversations. Share your views and insights on blogs, comments sections of articles, etc. This will not only help you establish a reputation as an expert in your field but will also help increase your visibility and brand awareness. Remember to always be professional while commenting and contribute to discussion that drives toward a solution instead of creating contention.

2.1 Use Hashtags Effectively

One of the biggest advantages of using Twitter for a business marketing strategy is that there are no character limits, but even if your message does fit within 140 characters, you still want to leave plenty of room for hashtags. Using hashtags allows you to reach users who don’t follow you by placing your tweets in front of a larger audience. Hashtags are also incredibly useful for SEO purposes—they help search engines better determine what your tweet is about.

2.2 Run Contests and Giveaways

There are many social media websites that offer free contests and giveaways. The most common types of contests on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Pinterest are photo-based. Contests that don’t require participants to upload a photo aren’t as popular but they can still be fun if you know how to run them. Running a contest requires more work than other social media activities because you have to set a deadline for submissions and select winners.


If you want to grow a following on social media, you need to be a prolific content creator. Put yourself out there as often as possible and don’t be afraid to experiment with different formats of content. Video, podcasting, and other forms of content creation are all new strategies that are driving huge amounts of traffic on social media.

Get creative with your engagement techniques and campaigns; try cross-posting articles from your other social channels or participating in an online discussion forum to start generating more views and shares right away. You can even take your efforts offline by printing flyers for events or handing out business cards at networking events and conferences.

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