Understanding Community-Based Education And Its Importance

By: AlexHales

Community-based education involves learning strategies for teachers, students, parents, and leaders from a group of people living in a particular local area. This type of learning enables learners to connect with other individuals to address issues related to the community by working together as a whole. This article highlights some functions, characteristics, and importance of community-based education by emphasizing its salient features.

Types of community-based education

When starting a community-based school in an area, the organization can include different types of schools for the project. Generally, there are three main types, civic action, direct service, and indirect service. The first one involves addressing social issues and their root causes through the learning platform. The direct service allows students to work with other individuals in the community to analyze the problem. Meanwhile, the indirect service supports the weaker section of the group by providing staple supplies directly to individuals.

Classrooms of Community schools can be virtual or physical, or both regarding the situation of socioeconomic scenario. For example, not many people want to leave their houses during the pandemic and other regional calamities.

Benefits of this education system

Community-based education is beneficial for all since they can gain practical knowledge by applying classroom concepts to assess the environment. Here are some key benefits of its strategies:

Connect people within the community

The community-based education enhances positive results and their impacts on the social ecosystem through support and well-being for the faculty. The learning process may include understanding the environment with the help of parents, teachers, students, and other associates related to the school. Once these individuals work as a family, the sense of team spirit and pride in the movement increases among them.

Engaging for students

Unlike a regular school that targets individual growth inside the classroom, community-based education enables students to stay engaged with one another outside the school. This type of learning helps students and locals to communicate among individuals. The process plays a significant role in assisting them to work together towards the betterment of the social cause. That means students have more opportunities to learn and understand the underlying details of problems and solutions.

Develops creativity in students

Those studying community-based education can find strategies to identify their talents and passions that can shape their career. When participating in the community learning programs, students will become aware of current affairs, the areas that need improvements, and probable tools that help them connect the dots. Once they find interesting areas, they will utilize their skills and implement the ideas they learned from school to achieve the target. This learning system also primarily promotes self-assurance as they pick their favorite topics and boost their confidence.

Enhances the social responsibility

When the education system aims at community development, the curriculum is more likely to cover topics related to social issues and their assessment methods. Students who get community-based education may tend to dive into the section of society that defines their lifestyles. The learning will make them understand the need for support to bring sustenance by improving their personalities. There will be a point where they trust their capabilities and instincts to help others.


When parents send their kids to community-based schools, they can act as proficient role models to enhance students’ leadership and communications skills. Scholars, entrepreneurs, and professionals in various sectors enroll themselves in institutes that offer community-based education to help their folks achieve maximum efficiency in their careers and well-being. As a part of the movement to overcome global illiteracy issues, interested persons can subscribe to an app that provides community-based learning for people of all ages. Choosing a learning company that takes pride in helping international communities would greatly benefit them.

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